Monday, January 27, 2014

Lettuce Wrap

I'm not much of a cooker so if I'm making something in the kitchen it is either a TV dinner or a salad. I decided to switch it up and make a lettuce wrap that ended up being so delicious that I had to share!

The Goods:
 1. Romaine lettuce
 2. Red pepper
 3. Tomatoes
 4. Carrots
 5. Salad dressing (I used Ceaser, my fav)
 6. Meat (optional, I used crispy chicken)
These are the only veggies I had in my house but feel free to add whatever you think will taste great. The more colorful, the more appetizing.

 The final product! This amount was a little much, 3 lettuce rolls would have been the perfect amount if you're striving to be healthy. I also had it with a cup of OJ (also known as sunshine in a cup) which complimented my meal well. Bon appetit! 

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