Wednesday, January 29, 2014


"Cause you never can tell   
What goes on down below!  

This pool might be bigger 
Than you or I know!"
-Dr. Seuss 

I am probably one of the biggest Dr. Seuss fans. His writing cannot compare to any other writers and he had such unique technique and an outlook like no other. I have a book (Seuss-isms) that my wonderful boo got me at Universal Studios that has random quotes from Dr. Seuss books that relate to life events. Every so often I enjoy going back to this book, usually when something new and exciting happens or I just need a boost of happiness or insight. I was reading it today and the quote above popped out at me today. 

This is why:

I recently changed my major to Art Education even though a lot of art programs are being cut, art is my true passion and I would love to teach it. Anyways, I applied to a teacher assistant position and got the job! Me changing my major and finding this position has happened in a matter of a week and a half which goes to show that when you really want something and strive for it, great things will come out of it. I have always believed in order to succeed, all you need are these four things:
  1. Dedication
  2. Hard-Work
  3. Passion
  4. Faith in yourself
There is no order to these, you need all of them simultaneously. Even if something seems unreachable, impossible, or something that no one believes you can do but you have complete and utter faith in yourself- you can absolutely achieve it. It may not happen in a matter of weeks or months, it may take a little longer but in the end all that hard-work you put in will pay itself off with a sense of accomplishment. If you do end up failing, do NOT give up. I repeat, do not ever give up! If you were to fall down, you wouldn't just lay there hopeless so don't do that in life. Always get right back up, brush it off, recuperate, and get right back to what you're striving for. If you truly want something and work towards it, it will work out for you. 

Share how dedication, hard-work, passion, and faith has gotten you what you wanted! It could be a small accomplishment or a huge step in your life, I would love to hear your story. Sharing is caring.

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