Monday, February 24, 2014

Make-Up Monday: e.l.f.

For those of you who are not aware of e.l.f. (eyes lips face) make-up; it's an extremely affordable make-up brand. My first thought was the quality was not going to be the greatest and instantly make me break out in acne but fortunately it did not! I recently started buying more of this brand because I'm on a tight budget.

My favorites so far:
  1. Kabuki Face Brush ($6.00): Awesome for foundation, bronzer, and blush so pretty much all your face applications.
  2. Studio Angled Eyeliner Brush ($3.00): Perfect for the winged eye!
  3. Studio Translucent Matifying Powder ($3.00): I use this around my eyes to add some contour since it's such a light shade.
  4. Studio 3-in-1 Mascara ($3.00): The silicone brush on this is perfection.
  5. Studio Golden Bronzer ($3.00): Great for contouring because it provides your with 4 different shades. 
These are most of the items I have tried and loved. I did try the Cream Eyeliner in black ($3.00) but it smudged a lot and fast.

You can view their products at and they also sell it at +Target.

Feel free to ask any questions or let me know what you think of e.l.f. if you've used their products before!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Shots: 2.23.14

Going to the grocery store is my least favorite thing to so in order to make the time go by faster when I take my Grandma, I photograph her. For some reason it's just so amusing to watch my grandma at the grocery store. Possibly because the most trivial things make her smile like the blood pressure monitor...

This photograph was taken with my iPhone 4 and edited via Instagram so excuse the poor quality but this is one of my favorite photographs of my grandma. 

Decisions in Aisle 3
Hope you enjoy and have a great week lovey's! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Make-Up Monday: Neutrogena

Happy Monday! 

I hope you all had a love-filled Valentine's weekend but unfortunately Monday is upon us yet again. At least you have Make-Up Monday to brighten up your day! Instead of a make-up tutorial, I wanted to show you some pointers on taking care of your face. Although make-up hides our blemishes, no one likes to have those blemishes so how can you avoid them or how can you get rid of them? Taking care of your skin is extremely important since we don't shed like reptiles as much as we secretly wish we did. 

Anyways, I am a vivid user of Neutrogena products, it's what works for my skin but it may not work for yours. Everyone's skin is different and that's what makes it tough to take care of since we get so sick of spending money on things that don't work. To figure out what would work best on your skin visit this Neutrogena's expert center at:

Here is what I use and how I use it:
Good Morning:
1. Pore Refining Daily Cleanser ($7.49): This is great if you have large pores like I do. I was iffy about it at first because I didn't understand how something could make your pores look visibly smaller but it completely works and is a great morning scrub. 

2. Naturals Multi-Vitamin Nourishing Moisturizer ($13.99): Moisturizing your face is a key step to a healthy and vibrant looking face. What I love about this lotion is that it doesn't feel sticky or icky like other lotions and it has Vitamins B, C, E and anti-oxidant omega bionutrients. Note: Lotion does NOT have any SPF so if you are going out in the sun be sure to apply UV protection!

3. Healthy Skin Eye Cream ($11.99): Eye cream is a bit pricey but completely worth it. Your eye skin is the most delicate skin and needs to be cared for. Be sure to apply this lotion with your index finger! (You can apply your make-up perfectly fine over this lotion just be sure to use a primer.)

Good Night:
1. One Step Gentle Cleanser ($6.49): This is a complete makeup removal and skin cleanser in one but I still use my Wave afterwards to care for my blackheads and any other hidden dirt. Always be sure to remove all make-up before going to sleep!

2. Wave Original Vibrating Power-Cleanser ($10.99) and Deep Clean Foaming Pads (30 for $6.49): This removes oil, dirt, and left-over make-up you may have missed with the One Step Cleanser which is great if you have oily skin, large pores, bumps, blackheads, or acne. What I love about the Wave is that it is gentle enough to use everyday! 

3. Healthy Skin Eye Cream ($11.99): Again! 

Total Cost: $57.44

Your cleansers and moisturizers should last about 3 months and if you use the Wave everyday, you would have to buy a refill pack once a month. It's money well spent if you ask me, especially since you have to live in your skin for the rest of your life!

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments don't hesitate to comment below and I'll help the best I can! 

P.S. Don't forget to drink lots of water daily to not only hydrate your body but your skin as well!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday Shots

I am oh so very sorry for my week long break; I started a new job, got sick, and then Valentine's weekend snuck up on me! Anyways I am back and hopefully this week is better for me.

Last weekend I went to WinterFest (a yearly fair that is near my house), the weather was horrible so we didn't ride any rides but I did get a few good shots. I wanted to share two with you all, let me know what you think! I'm always up for any critique and/or comments

I was aiming for a film noir/Hitchcock kinda feel and really love how these came out. Hope you enjoy them as well!

If you would like any prints or are searching for an Orlando, FL photographer visit my website or contact me at

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

DIY Business Cards

Business cards can be a bit pricey, especially if you want to stand out. I used to order mine off of Vistaprint but let's face it, their shipping prices are ridiculous. So why not just make your own? Stamps have become my new found addiction and are perfect for making business cards that are both unique and stand out from the crowd. 

What I used: 
Kraft Cardstock ($6.99 +Hobby Lobby )
Acid free Ink Pad in black ($2.99 +Hobby Lobby)

  • Little moments ($5.49 +Hobby Lobby)
  • (2) 3 packs of assorted photography related stamps ($1.99 @ Michaels on clearance)
  • Large custom made self-inking stamp ($18.99 +Vistaprint)
Total: $38.44 (without calculating coupons) 

I know this may seem pricey but the pack of card stock paper came with 100 sheets which I cut into fourths which means 400 business cards. The stamps are a one time buy and the only thing you have to keep purchasing would be the ink and obviously the paper once you run out. Another tool that you should invest in is a rotary paper trimmer; the prices vary a lot with these depending on the size, brand, and how heavy duty you want to go. I use a Westcott TrimAir in pink (it donated to breast cancer) that I purchased +OfficeMax for about $20. 

Enough jibber jabber, check out how you can make your own business cards where you get the most bang for your buck!

1. Cut business cards. The card stock I used was 4.5" x 6.5" therefore I cut it in half both horizontally and vertically. With my rotary cutter I am able to cut 2 pieces of card stock horizontally and 4 vertically. In the end, my business cards are 2.25" x 3.25" when the average size of a business card is 3.5" x 2". 

2 & 3. Stamp front side if you want a front!

4. Stamp back side with personalized stamp and any others you may want.

What I love about this is that you have the freedom to change your business cards as you please, get creative, and each one always comes out different. It's also extremely easy and fast to make!

No, there isn't actually a black spot on my business card. I just
 blocked out my phone number for privacy reasons.

P.S: If you're into photography or are looking for an Orlando, FL photographer check out my website at

Monday, February 3, 2014

Make-Up Monday's: Naked Urban Decay

I am obsessed with my Naked Urban Decay palette, it was well worth $52 at Sephora. Anyways, on this Monday I created an easy, sexy look just in time for Valentine's day. What I love about this look is that it's great for a date night or a girl's night out. I used the 5 shades boxed in the photo and here's how I used them in exact order:

  1. Darkhorse: create a V at the edge of eye and be sure to get it throughout your crease 
  2. Smog: blend in the V until reaching the middle of your eye
  3. Half baked: perfect for the edge of the eye to make 'em pop! I also used it underneath my eye.
  4. Buck: Blend! (key step)
  5. Virgin: use for brow bone
Also, don't forget to use the Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion before applying the eyeshadow. To finish the look, use black eyeliner (Maybelline Eyestudio in Blackest Black) and create a winged line and of course mascara (MAC Zoom Lash in Waterfast Black). If you're going for a Valentine or date night look, red lipstick pairs well; I used Victoria's Secret Glossy Lip Sheen in Knockout Red. If you want a more natural, every-day look a nude lipstick goes great; Victoria's Secret Glossy Lip Sheen in Boudoir Pink is my fav.

The finished product:
Best of luck and feel free to ask any questions!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


"Cause you never can tell   
What goes on down below!  

This pool might be bigger 
Than you or I know!"
-Dr. Seuss 

I am probably one of the biggest Dr. Seuss fans. His writing cannot compare to any other writers and he had such unique technique and an outlook like no other. I have a book (Seuss-isms) that my wonderful boo got me at Universal Studios that has random quotes from Dr. Seuss books that relate to life events. Every so often I enjoy going back to this book, usually when something new and exciting happens or I just need a boost of happiness or insight. I was reading it today and the quote above popped out at me today. 

This is why:

I recently changed my major to Art Education even though a lot of art programs are being cut, art is my true passion and I would love to teach it. Anyways, I applied to a teacher assistant position and got the job! Me changing my major and finding this position has happened in a matter of a week and a half which goes to show that when you really want something and strive for it, great things will come out of it. I have always believed in order to succeed, all you need are these four things:
  1. Dedication
  2. Hard-Work
  3. Passion
  4. Faith in yourself
There is no order to these, you need all of them simultaneously. Even if something seems unreachable, impossible, or something that no one believes you can do but you have complete and utter faith in yourself- you can absolutely achieve it. It may not happen in a matter of weeks or months, it may take a little longer but in the end all that hard-work you put in will pay itself off with a sense of accomplishment. If you do end up failing, do NOT give up. I repeat, do not ever give up! If you were to fall down, you wouldn't just lay there hopeless so don't do that in life. Always get right back up, brush it off, recuperate, and get right back to what you're striving for. If you truly want something and work towards it, it will work out for you. 

Share how dedication, hard-work, passion, and faith has gotten you what you wanted! It could be a small accomplishment or a huge step in your life, I would love to hear your story. Sharing is caring.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Trendy Tuesday: Boots

Boots are my go to shoe whether it's freezing or blazing hot, I think they complete any outfit. Also, there are so many types of boots; ankle, knee high, mid-thigh, do I really have to list them all? Anyways, I went on 3 of my favorite stores websites and picked out some must have boots!

First Stop: Forever 21

I love this new cut-out style. When I first saw them, I literally fell in love. The only thing I am not crazy about on these is the heel, it seems to be too thick for this particular shoe. They come in black and camel for $39.80!

Another cut-out style, not as noticeable if you were to wear jeans but would look amazing with a pair or capris or shorts and a flannel. You can even rock it with a cute dress and denim jacket or vest for a western look. ($36.80)

Love, love, love! These little booties would go great with a white eyelet spring dress. ($36.80)

Second stop: H&M

These are a must! I know they look like construction boots but they go with anything. If you want the tomboyish look you can pair it with cargo pants but if you want to just throw something on (we all have those days) you can wear a pair of shorts and an over-sized sweater. ($39.95)

Another pair of absolutes! Everyone needs plain black combat boots, no questions asked. ($34.95)

Final Stop: Charlotte Russe

Charlotte Russe is my go-to for shoes, they last long and are rather comfortable.

Obsessed! These are perfect for spring and summer. ($35.50)

I own these so my opinions a bit biased on these but they are amazingly comfortable and go with any outfit. ($38.50)

This two-tone is perfection, it makes it slightly harder to match it with an outfit but will go perfect with skinny jeans and over-sized sweater. You can even flaunt a business casual look with these by pairing it with black skinny pants, dress shirt, and a blazer or cardigan. ($42.50)

Made for a night out with the girls, movie date with your boo, or a family dinner- these are extremely versatile and aren't way high. These would pair great with a pencil skirt or bodicon dress. ($35.50)


Every girl should own a pair of rain boots! No matter how ridiculous you feel in them, they are worth the investment and are absolutely adorable no matter what anyone says. I personally own a pair of wedge rain boots with butterflies on them.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Lettuce Wrap

I'm not much of a cooker so if I'm making something in the kitchen it is either a TV dinner or a salad. I decided to switch it up and make a lettuce wrap that ended up being so delicious that I had to share!

The Goods:
 1. Romaine lettuce
 2. Red pepper
 3. Tomatoes
 4. Carrots
 5. Salad dressing (I used Ceaser, my fav)
 6. Meat (optional, I used crispy chicken)
These are the only veggies I had in my house but feel free to add whatever you think will taste great. The more colorful, the more appetizing.

 The final product! This amount was a little much, 3 lettuce rolls would have been the perfect amount if you're striving to be healthy. I also had it with a cup of OJ (also known as sunshine in a cup) which complimented my meal well. Bon appetit!